gathering storm
- 即将到来的风暴(或骚动)

The gathering storm had made the day even darker than was usual at this hour .
So how to explain the relative equanimity of financial markets in the face of this gathering storm ?
Comparisons of defence spending to gross domestic product do not necessarily indicate a gathering storm of Chinese militarism .
In his memoirs The Gathering Storm , Winston Churchill told us that he would fully prepare and practice even for a small question he would put forward in the Parliament .
William Bratton , the police chief of Los Angeles ( and formerly of New York ) , speaks of a " gathering storm of crime " .
For Stacey Copeland , an administrator at Eden Nannies , the first whisperings of the gathering storm in the nanny state were already being felt .
China 's gathering inflationary storm today is not powered by international factors , like trade surpluses or increased foreign reserves , he says .